What You Need to Know About Double-Glazed Windows for Your Home

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Double-glazed windows are a good choice for just about any home, as they offer stronger insulation against outside heat and cold than single-glazed windows, and can also keep your interior quieter. In some cases, double-glazed windows can even increase your home's overall resale value. Note a few factors you might consider about double-glazed windows, so you can determine if they're the right choice for your home.


The panes of most home windows today are not made of actual glass, but acrylic; this is a type of plastic mixture that is stronger than glass, so it's less likely to break. Acrylic is also less prone to vibrating, so it offers more sound insulation than glass.

However, one downside to acrylic in windows is that it may not be as clear and see-through as glass. If you're worried about enjoying the view out your windows, ask your window installer about a toughened glass. These may not be as strong as acrylic, but toughened glass won't shatter when it breaks and can offer you a clearer view to the outside.


While all double-glazed windows will offer more insulation against weather and noise than a single pane of glass, not all double-glazed windows are alike. For example, the u-value of windows notes how well it conducts heat, so you want windows with a low u-value if you live in a hot, sunny area. Visible light transmission, or VLT, refers to how much sunlight passes through the windows, so a lower VLT rating is also needed for windows that get direct sunlight.

The R-value of any material notes how well it insulates; a window's R-value will be affected by the thickness of the glass, the material used between panes to help insulate that gap, and the material used for the window frame. For maximum insulation, opt for windows with a high R-value.


Double-glazed windows can be tinted, if you need maximum shade against sunlight or just prefer the look. However, note that a tint might be affected by having two panes of glass in the window. Double-glazing can usually make a tint look darker, or add more depth to a silver or gold tone of tint. Rather than choosing a tint shade on its own, look at pictures of that tint on double-glazed windows, note if the colour seems darker, brighter, deeper or otherwise different than you expect and change the tint you choose accordingly.
